SMMCA Online Classes | SMMCA Nagpur

How the Architecture Colleges are functioning during a Pandemic?

The COVID 19 pandemic has significantly deranged the higher education sector in India and all over the world. Every school and college is closed and there is no certain period for reopening of the institutions. India ranks third in the overall largest higher education system worldwide. India has more than 1000 universities and nearly 42,000 colleges are affiliated to these universities including both the private and public. There are nearly one million students are studying in more than 10,000 technical and professional institutions. There are many top and best b arch colleges in Nagpur are available.

The COVID 19 pandemic has forced universities around the world to adopt online learning. The colleges are setting rules and being inclusive in conducting online classes. Here are some of the steps to take into account when teaching architecture courses online.

Design on learning objectives:

The architecture courses needed more workshops than the other courses so the educational institutions are focusing more on designing the learning objectives. It is important for you to design or determine the main objective of the architecture course. The colleges should consider taking polling or question functions on the digital platform during lectures to know the pulse of the students. It helps to allow the real-time feedback of the engagement and interests of your learners. During the seminars or workshops consider pre-readings to maximize the productive time and share the framework for the interaction to make the students more engaged and also have the group discussions after the seminars or workshops to share the outcomes.

Clear rules of interaction:

The institutions should send a reminder to their learners of the objectives and outcomes for the course. Consider setting adaptations and rules for guidance about attendance and participation in the online classes. The educational institutions should clarify that the session will be recorded and how the recorded sessions will be used. Impart the basic rules of online courses like how to ask questions, being respectful, dress code and the time to use the mute function are included.

These are some of the steps to take when the architecture colleges are functioning over online during the pandemic.

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