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Path for dealing Unemployment in Architecture Career

Ever since the pandemic has hit, the world is facing some severe problems. Apart from the deaths and positive COVID cases, unemployment has been on the rise. The spike that was caused so quickly by the pandemic is expected to have long-lasting consequences. Even though the shrinking world economy won’t eradicate opportunities, but also it does not solve the immediate unemployment problem.

Unemployed architects who are just finishing graduation, or have lost their jobs this year, should start to look for other prospects. This article further surveys a few strategies for immediate action to maintain the architect’s skill set while also earning him some money. As mentioned below, the three best tactics will include assembling a series of part-time jobs that require and enhance their architectural skills. Along with that, starting the groundwork for their own business is necessary. Read on to learn more about these points.

Best ways to handle unemployment in Architecture Career

  1. Part-time jobs:

There are several ways you can start a solo practice in architecture. It would be best if you first started with listing your services on any freelance marketplace. This will help you build networks with already employed architects. Not only that, but likewise it will make easier for you to see which firm actually requires services that you offer, and in turn will ensure a faster turnaround.

Also read: Best ways to deal with Unemployment in Architecture Career

   2. Look for other job opportunities:

If you want to look for more permanent solutions, you can also search for similar career options that do not directly address architecture. For instance, visual media or set designing for a film, video game, or television series, etc., can bring an excellent scope. This will help you increase contacts as well.

Another profession requiring architectural services can be real estate. Several leasing agencies need architecture to draft a simple floor plan. Although it won’t sound like a glamorous job, it can be done to earn for the time being and gain contacts in the industry. Along with that, it also helps sharpen your skills as an architect.

   3. Starting your personal practice:

Even though this is the final step of any architect, there is no harm in starting early. However, to ensure that you earn through your own practice, you need clients. Mid-career architects are the ones who can benefit the most from this since they already have enough experience and a modest network, which further helps them get work easy.

The recently unemployed can also take a shot at this. However, it is advised they use part-time jobs to make a living, and in between work on such dreams and aspirations. Forcing yourself to try all open doors can gain you a lot of experience and make you a more valuable asset in the coming future.

Final Words

The primary consideration to ensure that you do something in this time of distress is visualization. This field consists of many sectors that you can help in, further making it a bit easier to find something. However, make sure that you do not rush in and find projects you like without being too picky.

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