Career-related to Architecture
A career in architecture was considered a profession for elite class students but it has changed greatly in the last few decades and students from the diverse social background are joining. Architectural career is usually high paying with a lot of scope for growth. Here are some reasons why you should choose architecture.
Responsibilities of an architect
- Getting authorisation from the local body
- Discussing contracts with builders, civil engineers and others
- Drawing estimates
- Supervising the construction site
- Securing the material and site
- Directing contractor and paying the contractor.
- Tackling problems with the site manager engineers.
- Creating a complete design or altering an old one
- Drawing sketches and plans with details of sizes and estimate
- Designing interior or exterior model.
How a career in architecture is the best?
- Architectures are creative
Architects are very creative people responsible for designing the building we see all around us every day. They imagine buildings and structures that take us by surprise. Gigantic Skyscrapers won’t exist without them. The iconic ‘Twin Towers’ which collapsed in 9/11 event was an excellent example of creativity and vision of architects.
- Architects design the world
Architects design both indoor and outdoor places. The structure can be anything from a small room to a very complex bridge. All the structures we see around us from a small shop to a multi-storey building was designed by an architect.
- Architects excel at everything
The construction plan is finalized after debating and agreeing on the design with the client. The design has drawings of the air-conditioning system, heating, and ventilating ducts and much more. These days computer-aided design (CAD) software are used for crafting designs and construction drawings. Hand-drawing skills are needed most in the early stages of a project.
- Architects are tough
A career in architecture demands a certain level of physical and mental toughness. Very sound communication skill is also important to easily convey your ideas to engineers, field workers and other involved personnel. As construction progresses, architects often visit the construction site to make sure everything is up to standard and rules are being followed.
So isn’t it really ecstatic for being a part of such a profession?
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